Friday, September 24, 2010

List of useful packages for C/C++ development on Ubuntu Linux Part 2

apt-get install -y exuberant-ctags
apt-get install -y doxygen doxygen-gui
apt-get install splint #Static analyzer Lint for C programs
apt-get install colorgcc #Colorizer for GCC errors/warnings
apt-get install cppcheck #C/C++ source static analyzer
apt-get install cscope #C/C++ source code browsing/searching
apt-get install cbrowser #browser for cscope
apt-get install cflow #Displays control flow graphs for C source
apt-get install cutils #Various C source code utils - cdecl, cobfusc
apt-get install cxref #Generate HTMl doc for C source code
apt-get install global #Global search/browse C++ source code
apt-get install id-utils #Identifier database used by global for search/browse C++ source code
apt-get install synopsis #C++/Python source code introspection tool
apt-get install gccxml #GCC source code described as xml
apt-get install gobject-introspections #Extract introspection data from libraries
apt-get install explain #Helps explain system call errors after the fact
apt-get install fhist #File history, compare and merge utility
apt-get install fastdep #Generates dependency info as makefile rules for C/C++
apt-get install eresi #Reverse Engineering, instrumentation, debugging, tracing framework
apt-get install evarista #Program transformer and data-flow analyzer for binaries using ERESI
apt-get install frama-c #GUI to combine multiple analyzers for C source code
apt-get install frama-c-base #Framework to combine multiple analyzers for C source code

apt-get install gnulib #Make programs portable using C macros/assertions/declarations/definitions
apt-get install gperf gperf-ace #Generate perfect hash given input strings
apt-get install gsoap #Web service stub/skeleton generator for C/C++ code
apt-get install kodos #GUI to debug, test and view regexps
apt-get install visual-regexp #GUI in TCL to debug, test and view regexps

apt-get install astyle # C++ source code beautifier
apt-get install indent #Beautifier for C Source code
apt-get install bcpp #C++ Source beautifier
apt-get install kwstyle #Ensure source code style of many people is same as one person
apt-get install uncrustify #C++ beautifier highly configurable
apt-get install unifdef #Remove #ifdef sections from source
apt-get install universalindentgui #GUI to configure and compare multiple beautifiers esp. for C++
apt-get install xmlindent #XML beautifier

apt-get install distcc #distributed compiling
apt-get install distcc-pump #distributed preprocessing
apt-get install ccache #compiler cacher
apt-get install distccmon-gnome #GTK+ GUI to monitor distcc
apt-get install icecc #Distributed compiling
apt-get install icecc-monitor #GUI for monitoring Distributed compiling
apt-get install boost-build #Easy Cross-platform compilation
apt-get install gdc # D language compiler
apt-get install bison++ #C++ source generator enhancement to bison
apt-get install flex
apt-get install antlr3 #create compilers/interpreters using ANTLR

apt-get install libasio-dev libasio-doc #Cross Platform Boost library for Async IO (network programming)
apt-get install libclthreads-dev libclthreads-doc #POSIX threads C++ library
apt-get install libcorelinux libcorelinux-examples #Converting Linux core C libs to C++ libs
apt-get install libdar-dev #Disk archiver
apt-get install uc++ uc++-doc uclibc uclibc-source #Embedded C++ with multi-threading etc.
apt-get install witty-dev #AppServer and library for C++ web-deployment

apt-get install gwis #C++ wrapper class generator to call Java objects/methods.
apt-get install jaranalyzer #Dependency management utility for jar files
apt-get install jclassinfo #Reads class files to get useful info from them
apt-get install jflex javacc #Flex and Bison for Java
apt-get install junit junit-doc #Unit testing for Java
apt-get install testng #NG unit testing with extra and best-of-breed features of JUnit and NUnit
apt-get install tijmp jmp #Java memory profiler
apt-get install visualvm #Tool for remote-admin, monitoring(dumping), profiling production/dev code, bug-reporting

apt-get install sqlite-database-browser #GUI for SQLite dbs.
apt-get install sqlrelay-dev #SQLite C/C++ APIs for proxying speeding up access to N DBMS
apt-get install unixodbc-dev #Unix port of ODBC

apt-get install xmlcopyeditor #XML util for xsd, dtd, xslt, validation and syntax highlighting
apt-get install xsdcxx #Generate C++ classes from XSDs
apt-get install xml-rpc-api2cpp #Generate C++ wrapper classes for XML-RPC API

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