The Eclipse incubation project Linux Tools integrates C/C++ Development tools.
It's a GUI plugin to integrate tools like Valgrind, GProf, GCov, SystemTap etc into the Eclipse C++ CDT IDE.
[Articles on Linux Tools]
[Cpp Check tool integration with Eclipse]
It's a GUI plugin to integrate tools like Valgrind, GProf, GCov, SystemTap etc into the Eclipse C++ CDT IDE.
[Articles on Linux Tools]
- IBM DeveloperWorks (search for Linux Tools)
- RedHat Article
- Installing/Updating LinuxTools using UpdateManager (Note: You may need to do a Java6 JRE update as described below first.)
- Updating Eclipse Helios CDT with UpdateManager
- Java6 JRE update :
apt-get install sun-java6-jre
- Unzip the Eclipse tarball and run the eclipse binary from inside the tarball:
&& ./eclipse
- Eclipse Linux Tools website
- Valgrind support page
- Other "Valgrind Frontends/GUIs"
- Valkyrie Memcheck Frontend
- Valgrind User Guide (Wiki)
- How-to configure Valgrind plugin of Eclipse (with Video Demos)
- How-to configure Callgrind plugin of Eclipse
- Valgrind Quick Start Guide
- Linux Journal How-To (with screen-shots)
- How-to use Valgrind with Eclipse as an External Tool
- Valgrind How-To from The Linux Documentation Project
- Red Hat C++ Developer Guide (PDF) on how to configure Eclipse CDT, GDB, Valgrind
- Valgrind User manual
- Valgrind 3.3 debugging and profiling manual
- Notes on CacheGrind Design and Implementation
- Notes on MemGrind Design and Implementation
- Paper on potential uses of Valgrind Framework for instrumentation
[Cpp Check tool integration with Eclipse]
- cppcheclipse integration of with Eclipse CDT from (google code):
- About:
- Wiki:
- Download: