Thursday, June 23, 2011

Network and SysAdmin, Scripting, Debugging, O.S. Books

[System Administration]
UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook (4th Edition) by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Trent R. Hein and Ben Whaley (Jul 24, 2010)
Essential System Administration, Third Edition by Æleen Frisch (Aug 15, 2002)
Linux in a Nutshell by Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love and Arnold Robbins (Sep 29, 2009)
[Network Administration]
Linux Network Administrator's Guide by Tony Bautts, Terry Dawson and Gregor N. Purdy (Feb 10, 2005)
LINUX Network Administrators Guide: 508 pages by Olaf Kirch and Terry Dawson (Jan 5, 2009)
Linux TCP/IP Network Administration by Scott Mann (Jul 26, 2001)  TCP/IP stack understand, configure and troubleshoot servers
Linux Firewalls (3rd Edition) by Robert L. Ziegler
Linux Networking Cookbook by Carla Schroder
[Network and System Administration]
Linux Troubleshooting Bible by Christopher Negus and Thomas Weeks (Jul 30, 2004)
Debugging Embedded Linux (Digital Short Cut) by Christopher Hallinan (Aug 22, 2007)
Linux Troubleshooting for System Administrators and Power Users 2006
Wireshark Network Analysis: The Official Wireshark Certified Network Analyst Guide by Laura Chappell
Network Flow Analysis by Michael W. Lucas
[Performance Tuning]
Performance Tuning for Linux® Servers by Sandra K. Johnson, Gerrit Huizenga and Badari Pulavarty (Jun 6, 2005)

Perl Best Practices by Damian Conway
[Linux Operating System]
[Parallel and Multi threading]
Restful Web Services by Leonard Richardson