Saturday, October 23, 2010

Debugging with GDB's Cheat-Sheet of Commonly Used Options

Compiling a program for debugging:
    g++ -ggdb -O0 hello.cpp   # 
    g++ -g3 -O0 hello.cpp       # -g3 compiles debugging info for preprocessor macros and no optimization

Running a program under the debugger without arguments
$> gdb myProgram

Setting the program arguments:
   a)  $> gdb --args myProgram  10 20 30 40
   b)  (gdb) start 10 20 30 40  # sets temporary breakpoint at main() and calls run.
   c)  (gdb) file myProgram
        (gdb) run 10 20 30 40
   d)   (gdb)  set args 10 20 30 40
         (gdb) show args
        (gdb) run
    e) $> gdb myProgram core
    f) $> gdb -tui myProgram core  # start vim/emacs ide for debug session