XSLT Source Code Browsing with Vim and Ctags
Creating a tags file
1) Test out the regular-expressions for your custom language:
$> egrep 'pattern' *.xsl
2) Copy-paste custom language with the above regular-expressions into ~/.ctags.
$> vi ~/.ctags
--regex-EXSLT=/--regex-EXSLT=/--regex-EXSLT=/$> cd srcdir
$> ctags -R *
$> vi ./tags #check for tag-entries containing the search patterns
$> vi test.xsl #Use Ctrl-] to jump from a pattern usage to its definition, Ctrl-T to jump back
1) Above solution for templates only uses xpath of match="xyz".
The search-key for the template (displays taglist for templates with same xpath).
Potentially a template is uniquely identifiable using match AND mode:
Solution: Choose from multiple results of taglist (Or)
Use '*' and '#' to forwards/backward search in current or other opened files.
2) ctags will work with exslt functions:
3) ctags will work with xslt variables (displays taglist for variables with same name):
4) The ( and ) are used to create a tag-entry in tags file where \1 is the matching keyword.
5) Extending Ctags for a new language requires C coding and is a different cup of tea totally.
My question on Browsing XSLT with Ctags and Vim
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Creating and Browsing with Ctags files in Vim
Vim documentation on Using Ctags
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Other languages
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