Saturday, January 29, 2011

Useful Collection of Linux Server Tutorials to Configure Different Services

1) Linux Home Server Howto:
A Superb collection of howtos which explain howto configure different services like FTP, SSH, NTP etc.on linux. Gives very useful commands and sample output to show how to get information, change settings, sample config files and relevant amount of background information to make it customizable for your specific needs.
2) Linux Home Networking Quick Tutorials:

Similar super collection of tutorials on different aspects of networking on linux.

Both these sites complement each other well and are more usable when used parallely.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Valgrind website updation on Eclipse IDE integration via LinuxTools plugin suite

Request to update Valgrind  Frontend/GUIs page sent to Valgrind-Developer list.
Contains useful info for anyone interested in GUI based debugging of C/C++ programs using Valgrind etc.


This is regarding an updation to the "Valgrind Frontends/GUIs" page:

LinuxTools is a GUI plugin suite to  integrate Valgrind into the Eclipse C++ 
Could you add an entry for this in "Valgrind Frontends/GUIs" page?

As can be seen on forums like lots of people are interested in
using Valgrind (and such other tools) from the Eclipse IDE but don't know
how to go about doing it. Having an entry on Valgrind's pages would help out
such people.

Some useful links on usage of Valgrind with LinuxTools:

This is the Eclipse Linux Tools website:

2) Valgrind support page:

1) Valgrind User Guide (Wiki):

2) How-to configure Valgrind plugin of Eclipse (with Video Demos):

3) How-to configure Callgrind plugin of Eclipse:

4) How-to use Valgrind with Eclipse as an External Tool:

Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Linux Developers 
(includes Incubating components like valgrind, gprof, systemtap etc) (120 MB):

My blog post "Howto install Eclipse CDT for C++ programming on Linux":

- Gurudutt Mallapur.
Some history on the origin of this post: A mail I sent to the Valgrind Developer list on 2010-10-07.
It seems to be unanswered to date and sits quietly in the archives @ I followed all the directions for submitting to the dev-list AFAIK. Though how it ended up in the debugging section I don't recollect. Actually I tried mailing multiple times/ways but all I got was a bounce-back message even after sending the mail from yahoo (disabling html). Tried everything I could think of to get the message across ;-). Finally found the obituary of my post in the archives. 
Conclusion: Anyway I'm glad I've got my own blog to capture this knowledge for anyone who needs it.