Testing PyBossa with a Virtual Machine : http://docs.pybossa.com/en/latest/vagrant_pybossa.html
Install Virtualbox and Vagrant first.
Problem : The 'vagrant up' fails on WinXP while installing 'hashicorp/precise32' dependency.
Following error message is seen :
Cause : This is caused by missing or failure in running bsdtar.exe.
For More Details see : https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/3869.
1) Install Mingw with bsdtar.exe
2) "However, installing MinGW for the bsdtar.exe, brought up another issue.
bsdtar.exe wouldn't run because it needed 'msys-lzma-1.dll' but 'msys-lzma-5.dll' was available.
Just copied and renamed to expected filename and it worked!!"
Now precise32 installs and 'vagrant up' succeeds.
Next step
Problem : Running the 'source vagrant_start.sh' script fails
Cause : bash requires usage of ./scriptname to execute script in current directory.
Solution : Just changing the docs line 'source vagrant_start.sh' to 'source ./vagrant_start.sh' fixes the problem.
Problem : 'source ./vagrant_start.sh' still fails
Cause : It gives errors for trailing ^M characters in the script, DOS line-feed chars.
Solution : Editing the file and removing trailing ^M characters solves the problem.
Use your web browser to browse Pybossa welcome page with this URL 'http://localhost:5000'